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Sponsor A Child



Praise GOD! HE is the one that makes all things possible. We have approximately 160+ children. We have 118 of them going to Zion Christian Nursery and Primary School. and we have about 60 sponsored children. There are always needs, we need all of our children to be sponsored. Please help us to help these children become the men and women GOD intends for them to be. Through Jesus Christ all things are possible, let's all be His hands and feet. We are all working for His Kingdom to come His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Please click the sponsor button and see our children that need sponsors. God Bless us all!!!



Zion Christian Nursery and Primary School is an ongoing project. Right now, we are working on a classroom/office block. We are able to have classes in the building now, but we need windows and doors. 

A boarding section for Zion will help us immensely the boarders will be paying in advance as the day schoolers pay as the funds become available to the families. The boarding section will help us with the overhead for the school. We walk by Faith not by Sight. It is an ad venture, to GOD be the GLory. HE continues to provide as we grow.

In the future we would like to have a vocational school for the older boys and young ladies... It is all a process we have to have the infrastructure in place first. It just takes time; it doesn't happen overnight. To GOD be the Glory!



We also have several projects that are on going, if the Lord places it upon your heart you can make a one time donation to any of them. Anything and everything is greatly appreciated.



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